4 Weird But Scientifically-Proven Ways to Be Happy

Not a normal “how to be happy” story.

Darshak Rana
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2021


Family trying Weird but Scientifically-Proven Ways to Be Happy
Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels

The first ten things that google displays when you type “how to be happy” are:

  1. Smile
  2. Exercise
  3. Sleep
  4. Practice Gratefulness
  5. Mindful eating
  6. Compliment others
  7. Meditation
  8. Breathing techniques
  9. Writing a journal
  10. Accept the unhappy moments

I mean, the internet is flooded with tons of information on “how to be happy.” We’re fed up with the same old boring happiness tips. We have had it all. Going over the same tricks, again and again, is inviting more unhappiness than our real concerns.

My eight-year-old nephew received a “C” grade in his music exam last month. He was stressed out and was spending a “leave me alone kind of” day. At night, when I tried to talk with him, he exasperated, “I knew that you guys(his parents and I) would tell him the same repeated advice (mentioned above) to be happy, and I couldn’t follow that anymore.”

His response triggered an alarm in me. Something just hit me. If an eight-year-old don’t want to accept these ways anymore, why don’t we adults look…



Darshak Rana
Mind Cafe

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ I share what I learn and practice✦ darshak.substack.com