Darshak Rana
1 min readJun 23, 2020

My life has changed a lot too with my decision to give up on watching and reading news.

A few years back, I came in contact with Brahmakumaris — The World Spiritual University, where I learned the secrets of true happiness. I also learned that “I am the books I read, I am the films I watch, I am the music I listen to, I am the conversation I engage in.”

Due to this knowledge, I made a firm decision that I do not want to become the news I watch. Hence I gave up on that habit and the rest is history. I have never been so peaceful, happy, contented, positive, and creative in my life.

Thanks a lot, Matt for sharing a wonderful story!

Darshak Rana

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ I share what I learn and practice✦ darshak.substack.com