What a way to pen down the emotions of a girl child!!! Marvelous.
No matter how hard the institutions and the people of influence try for female empowerment, male chauvinism never ceases to exist. Rather than putting the women on the front, the fat ego always wins the race.
It is very sad and a disgrace to be a part of such a society where we are not being able to justify women’s role. I think they are the backbone of society. Many civilizations perished only because of their disrespect for women yet, we fail to recognize and learn.
Women do not need upliftment but the mindset of the male-driven society definitely needs one. If a mother can bear the pain of giving birth which is equal to breaking of 20 bones in a second, what more power does she need.
Women are emotionally, spiritually, mentally and psychologically superior to men whereas the latter only succeeds physically.
It is high time that we sit behind the intangible screens and scream for women empowerment and start doing something about it.
I am so grateful to you for touching such a strong topic and inviting the attention of millions. Thank you!!!